Please note, in line with the latest travel guidance we are only accepting new bookings that have a check-in date from 5th July 2020. We are available to take any calls on 01275 217575 if you have any queries regarding a current booking, or if you wish to place a new booking and have concerns. Thank you and stay safe

Thousands of us have jumped back in the saddle in response to the coronavirus pandemic - good news for the planet, as well as our waistlines!

Cycling is a great way to keep fit, boost our immunity, entertain our families and (obviously) get from a to b. With this in mind, here are our wonderful holiday cottages to inspire your next two-wheeled adventure.

Our ‘Wheely’ great holiday cottages for cycling go the extra mile to accommodate cyclists' needs. They are close to well-known and popular cycling routes and provide secure storage for bikes or bike hire delivery to your holiday cottage front door.

From the challenging climbs of the Peak District and Lake District to the rolling hills of the Cotswolds, there is certain to be a UK cycling location just perfect for you and your loved ones….


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